Friday, February 27, 2009

Mardi Gras

We had a really good time this year at Mardi Gras in D'Iberville and Biloxi. The kids and I only went to D'Iberville, since it is much more "family friendly". The church handed out free hotdogs to about 500 people and Patrick shared the gospel with as many people that were in hearing distance of the sound system. In D'Iberville, he stood in the middle of Lemoyne Boulevard and preached God's truth that Jesus is the ONLY way and that we are ALL SINNERS in NEED of a SAVIOR. On the sidelines, Nick fought the spiritual battle for Patrick. Cristi and I both couldn't be more proud of our men! He said the Biloxi parade also went really well. People were stopping and as Patrick put it, "I caused a major people traffic jam". Here are a few pics from the D'Iberville parade.

1 comment:

  1. What a great opportunity! To God be all the Glory for the great things he is doing!
