Friday, March 20, 2009

Adventures in Gardening!

The kids got their first experience with some true gardening. The Wolfe family and ours are doing a garden this year. We are planting some corn, squash, peas, peppers, tomatos, okra, and some watermelon. In order to have good produce you must first fertilize. We have the perfect fertilizer right here in our front yard: the cow pasture. Yep, that's right, the kids and Mr. Nick went on a cow patty hunt. Jaron wasn't a bit scared to snatch himself up a big ol hunk of cow patty. The girls weren't too fond of the idea, but they were quick to grab up all the rollie pollies they found underneath the patties! Good times! Good times!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I have to share this tid bit of good news. I could never give enough praise to my Savior for dying for me, but He chooses to bless me on top of already giving His life for my wrongs. It baffles my mind daily. Anyway, a few posts ago I was talking about a "circumstance". Well He has yet again been faithful and pulled me through. I have had two amazing days of almost completely being myself and feeling wonderful. Thank you Jesus for your love for me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Could someone tell me why it is so hard to trust? I really thought that my faith was strong and that I could trust my God with anything. I'm coming to find out that I really have no clue the depths of what He wants me to become. To trust him for literally every single breath that I breathe. To trust Him for every footstep that I take. To trust Him with my kids because they were His first. To trust Him with every word that I speak. To trust Him with every quiet moment He allows. To trust Him with the unknown curves and bumps in the road ahead. I want it so desperately to just let go and trust. To have the freedom to just be content with whatever He puts on my path. Why is it so hard. So hard. I feel like I'm trying to claw my way to trust but He wants me to just rest in trust. I can't just let go and free myself to fly. I want this:

Grant me, according to your riches in glory, to be strengthened with might through Your Spirit in the inner woman of me, that You may dwell in My heart through faith; that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to COMPREHEND with all the saints what is the WIDTH, and LENGTH and DEPTH and HEIGHT - to know the love of Christ which PASSES KNOWLEDGE; that I may be filled with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD. Ephesians 3:16-19

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mardi Gras

We had a really good time this year at Mardi Gras in D'Iberville and Biloxi. The kids and I only went to D'Iberville, since it is much more "family friendly". The church handed out free hotdogs to about 500 people and Patrick shared the gospel with as many people that were in hearing distance of the sound system. In D'Iberville, he stood in the middle of Lemoyne Boulevard and preached God's truth that Jesus is the ONLY way and that we are ALL SINNERS in NEED of a SAVIOR. On the sidelines, Nick fought the spiritual battle for Patrick. Cristi and I both couldn't be more proud of our men! He said the Biloxi parade also went really well. People were stopping and as Patrick put it, "I caused a major people traffic jam". Here are a few pics from the D'Iberville parade.

It is finished

The girls room is finally finished. You would never know we cut a huge hole and patched it up. YAY!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

This is Rosie, the newest addition to the Levine Family.  We got her on Valentine's Day.  She is a Carin Terrier, the same breed as Toto from the Wizard of Oz.  She is just shy of 6 weeks.  We are in love.  The kids love tugging her around and she doesn't seem to mind.  By the end of the day she is usually exhausted and sleeps in her  little pink bed.  Isn't she a cutie!

Fashion trends in the making

Notice we must wear our gymnastics leotard UNDER the pantyhose and t-shirt.  Very stylish!